Types of Dentists – American Dental Care

nt specialties. In this post we will go over the different varieties of dental practitioners.

Our first dentist that we’ll talk about is known as an orthodontist. Orthodontists work primarily in conjunction with braces. Braces help to improve your alignment. A dentist will examine your teeth, take Xrays and then determine the best method to straighten them.

In the next article, we will discuss dental pediatrics in the next session. They work with children. It’s important that a pediatric dentist can work well with children. They can be very difficult to manage, and the dentist needs to know how to navigate this issue.

The last dentist we will be discussing are the periodontist. They are dentists who strive to prevent gum disease. Gum disease is one the main issues that attack our oral health. A dentist can refer you to a periodontist when your gums are irritated.

All in all, there were three of the different kinds of dentists.


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