Learn how to make mulch with trees.
The days of chipping or burning down trees that have been discarded are gone. Now, the industry has shifted to reuse old trees to create mulch that can breathe fresh life into lawns, gardens, as well as all other options for landscaping.
The process begins with tree removal. After trimming the trees of their customers, Mike’s Tree Company crews carry the cut branches as well as tree pieces back to the tree company property. The recycling process begins once the trees are removed from the site. The crews will divide the trees into species in order so that they can ensure the proper color of the mulch before starting the crushing process. The process will show how they sift through the materials to get rid of debris such as leaves and dirt.
Each season, Mike’s Tree Company produces around 8,000 cubic meters of waste wood, which is then sorted into a variety of colors. They can provide pickup on site and delivery for both homeowners and contractors, and they are open five every day of the week.
Take a look at the video and see your own how Mike’s Tree Company transforms the plants in your garden into mulch! Subscribe to Mike’s Tree Company to receive more incredible videos! 9xkq75pbuv.